Wei Wang (汪巍)


I am currently a Ph.D. student in Physics at Johns Hopkins University advised by Brian A. Camley

Before joining Hopkins, I graduated from Tongji University with a B.S. in Physics.

E-mail: ww000721@gmail.com

Please refer to my homepage for more details.


Confinement, jamming, and adhesion in cancer cells dissociating from a collectively invading strand

Confinement, jamming, and adhesion in cancer cells dissociating from a collectively invading strand

Wei Wang (汪巍), Robert A. Law, Emiliano Perez Ipiña, Konstantinos Konstantopoulos, Brian A. Camley

bioRxiv 2024.06.28.601053 (2024)

Trade-offs in concentration sensing in dynamic environments

Trade-offs in concentration sensing in dynamic environments

Aparajita Kashyap, Wei Wang (汪巍), Brian A. Camley

Biophysical Journal 123, 1184 (2024)

Limits on the accuracy of contact inhibition of locomotion

Limits on the accuracy of contact inhibition of locomotion

Wei Wang (汪巍) and Brian A. Camley

Phys. Rev. E 109, 054408 (2024)

Collective induced antidiffusion effect and general magnon Boltzmann transport theory

Collective induced antidiffusion effect and general magnon Boltzmann transport theory

Tao Liu, Wei Wang (汪巍), and Jianwei Zhang

Phys. Rev. B 99, 214407 (2019)